Jumat, 01 Mei 2020



Due to its great role which is now globalizing, to be able to communicate in English well is a dream of all people over the world, including Indonesians. However, it is not easy for non-English people to learn the language, especially for those whose native language is so greatly different in terms of the pronunciation, spelling, and grammatical features. For Indonesian people, generally, English is not easy to learn that efforts to facilitate he learners' English language acquisition have been made from time to time for example by changing or evaluating the English Curriculum, the teaching methods, etc. Until now, there has not been a single method or technique known to be truly effective and efficient to use in teaching the language to the Indonesian students. This article presents some views which need considering for the success of the learning of English in Indonesia.
That intrinsic learning motivation which results from self-awareness of the English language great role in everyone's study or career is advisable to be possessed by the learners is one main factor for their good success in learning the language. Therefore, it should be socialized to the children as early as possible. In learning the English words, the teacher should familiarize the students with how every word is used in context, not in isolation as words actually do not carry clear meanings in isolation. The meaning of a word is determined by its context, so it should be contextually studied.
To improve the quality of education in Indonesia, the government has made curriculum improvements many times through a long process. According to jaya and martini (2020) the story of curriculum started from Curriculum 1947 or called Study Plan 1947 This is the first curriculum since Indonesia's independence.  To refine previous curriculum, government create the new curriculum called Unraveled Study Plan 1952. This curriculum has been directed towards an Indonesian education system. ect.. The government revised the curriculum system in 1964, named Education Plan 1964. 1994 curriculum and 1999 curriculum supplement in 1994 the government updated the curriculum in an effort to integrate the previous curriculum, especially the 1975 and 1984 curriculum. In 2004 the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) was launched as a substitute for the 1994 Curriculum. 2006 Curriculum, KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum) This curriculum is almost similar to the 2004 curriculum. The last of all is the 2013 curriculum. It has three aspects of assessment, namely aspects of knowledge, aspects of skills, and aspects of attitude and behavior.
From all the changes of curriculum. It gave some impacts. According to jaya and mortini (2020) Among great numbers of changes, which have occurred since the reform era, which began in 1988 are these four major impactful changes: decentralization of educational management and shifting locus of control; policy on the teaching of EFL in Indonesia’s schooling system; curricular changes and recommended approaches to the teaching of English and modalities for quality improvement.
1. Educational management in Indonesia
2. EFL Policies on Indonesia school
3. Recommended approaches to the teaching of EFL, and
4. Considerations for quality improvement

Besides that, there are also two Strategies of Surviving In The System such as :
1. Teachers as decision makers
Based on Meilani (2017), presented data sets which clearly indicated that confronted with pressing    sets of decision-making  demands  during  the  actual teaching and learning. [cited Jaya and Mortini (2020)]
2. The Good Teaching
Cited Jaya and Mortini (2020) in Meilani (2017) mentioned that repeated experiences with curricular changes and based on repeated confirmation about the fact that the changes in curriculum and its mandated teaching approaches, teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia’s schools seem to have been conclusive in their understanding of what makes a good teaching. That is, a teaching activity is good when it leads to good scores on the part of students’ learning results in the national English exam and in the current Indonesia’s context English exam focuses only on reading, grammar and written expressions presented in the format of multiple choice questions.

References :
Jaya, Aswadi. Asti, Mortini. (2020). Approaches and Experiences of English     Teaching in IndonesiaJurnal Elsa, Volume 18 Nomor 1

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